
Are there any Performing Art Schools, in Atlanta, Georgia?

any help??|||Two come immediately to mind: North Springs High School in Fulton County and Pebblebrook in Cobb County. I;ve seen productions from both -- and they do a phenomenal job!

Have any of you been to South Carolina Governors school camp?

i was thinking of going to governor;s school camp for voice but does anyone know how hard it is to get in?

Who is going to Justin Bieber Concert in Cajun Dome?

i am iam!!!|||All the anoying disney-loving queermos little kiddy f@gs in that town

What;s the teen scene like in Sydney?

I;m moving there soon and I;m 15. What kind of things do teens do for fun? What;s schooling like over there? Are people generally nice? I;m American and I;ve heard that Australians don;t like Americans so Im kindaaaa scared to go now. Any more information for my move would be great!|||I just got back from Australia a couple weeks ago im fifteen and I went on a People to People student ambassador trip and we had a home stay were we spent two days with an Australian family and went to the school. From what I gathered (i was in Australia for 20 days) Australians like Americans. They drink alot at a young age and apparently there is alot of controversial things going on with aboriginals when I went to the school one aboriginal girl cussed out the teacher and the teacher couldn;t do anything because if she suspended her she could get sued. I hope this is helpful and good luck!|||The ;typical; things any other teens would do with their friends - go movies, eat out, visit each other;s places or if you;re old enough, go clubbing.I can;t speak for everyone but people are generally alright - we are a multicultural country like the US but what you will see is that despite this, a lot of people still prefer to hang out with people the same nationality as them - it does not mean they are racist though; it just means they share more common interests etc.Just be yourself and you should be fine. Do not change yourself for anyone and you need not talk like ;G;day mate; or in our slang - we don;t talk like that! :)|||For fun we play cricket, go to the movies (ice skating, bowling etc), use facebook msn myspace etc, chat, go shopping, hang around malls. It depends who you hang out with and what kind of a person you are. You;ll find fun stuff to do, people will introduce you to things. Okay schooling is VERY difficult to American schooling. First off since our seasons are reversed our school years start in late January and end in December. We have 4 terms per year each going for roughly ten weeks with 2-3 (depending on the school) breaks in between and 6-8 weeks for summer holidays. We get graded A-E, there;s no such thing as F. In Australia you attend kindergarten at age 4 this is not compulsory from what I know and this is where you learn social skills and often to read (though some children learn when they start actual school or before like I did). When you;re 5 you start school in something called reception (or it can be called prep or K in some states) where you spend 1 school year or maybe as little as one term depending on when you start school (it all depends on when you were born). We call elementary school primary school and in some states it goes from reception to year 7 then high school goes from 8-12 but in other states primary goes from reception-6 then high school 7-12. We generally do not have middle school but in states such as the ACT (Australian capital territory) have senior colleges in fact every state has a few. Senior colleges are schools just for years 11 and 12 and focus on university entrance. You get to choose subjects from year 8 upward and you get more choices the older you get. Australian school offer a wide range of subjects but what you can do depends on what your school offers. You can do year 13 which is when for some reason you do year 12 over two years. We do not use terms like jock, prep, sophomore etc and we don;t have cheerleaders or mascots to the extent American schools do and we tend to call it "year levels" not grades but we do know what a year level is!!! Each state has it;s own requirements for what you have to do to graduate your school can fill you in on the ones for the state you;re moving to. Most Australians are 17-18 when they finish high school. After high school you can go to university, TAFE, take an apprenticeship or go right into the workforce we do not have college to the extent America does heck we don;t have it at all. People in Australia as generally nice unless you do something to them or their friends or family that they see as wrong or bad. We strongly believe that respect is earned and if you treat us well, we;ll treat you well. We feel that respect is earned so if you treat us well 99% of us will treat you well and the one;s that don;t just don;t matter. We don;t hate Americans we just disagree with many of the attitiudes they have and political decisions your government has made but we definitely don;t hate you.

What suburb is halfway between Engadine, NSW and Campelltown, NSW?

Moorebanksee google maps directions|||Halfway between Engadine and Campbelltown youre out in the bush...nothing but a few kangaroos...if youre driving then depends which way you go,travelling north Prestons would be about halfway between the 2|||There isn;t a suburb in between directly (there is the bushland of Heathcote National Park in between), but by main road the halfway point is probably Glenfield.

I;m moving over to Canberra,Australia,Is it possible to use Dishtv in Canberra,Australia?

Dish TV|||Probably not in the satellite footprint.|||huh? u mean paytv? yeah u can get paytv... but if your moving over to Australia dont come an move to canberra, move to Melbourne, Sydney or the Gold coast. Canberra is boring....

How was The Statue of Liberty transfered from France to New York?

The Statue was completed in France in July, 1884 and arrived in New York Harbor in June of 1885 on board the French frigate "Isere" which transported the Statue of Liberty from France to the United States. In transit, the Statue was reduced to 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. The Statue was re-assembled on her new pedestal in four months time. On October 28th 1886, the dedication of the Statue of Liberty took place in front of thousands of spectators. She was a centennial gift ten years late.

Would you rather live east or west of Yonge St. and why?

neiither, both are gay. 409 Cali. represent.|||It really doesn;t matter.It;s a blend of many personalities; have fun!|||west side rocks. go little italy! I like west. simply, with the exception of the Beaches and the Danforth, everything cool about Toronto is west of Yonge. Seriously though, you tell me that Bathurst street isn;t nicer than Parliament street.ps: area code 409 is texas :P

Single guys in Denver co 14 to 17?

Pictures please only if your hot I;m Taylor and haha I am a girl

What are the things to prepare to fly from cebu to manila?

I;m planning to go to Manila to see my girlfriend. This is my first time flying alone so please help.|||As long as you have your ticket, id and some money or a credit card, you;re good to go. As far as other considerations and what you need to know, check here:http://www.ehow.com/topic_666_air-travel…

Get a passport renewed super expedited at a passport agency?

So i;ve got a flight on August 2 and I just realized my passport is expired. I went on travel.state.gov and they say that I can set up an appointment if my flight is within 14 days. The nextt available appointment is July 29(3 days before my flight). I was wondering if I do it this way (through the passport agency) how long does it take for them to have my passport ready? I;m am going overseas to visit my sick grandma-if that;s relevant at all.|||maybe -contact your embassy or passport agency to inquire.

Are there any pet hotels in Germany?

I have a cat and a dog that are relocating with me to Germany. The problem is I know we will vacation one month every year. It would be too stressful on my old cat to bring him everywhere. It is very expensive to fly your pets back and forth, especially international flights. What do people do with their pets when they are gone for long periods of time in Stuttgart, Germany? Are there any pet hotels there?|||Sorry, there are no hotels in Stuttgart, Germany for pets - http://hotelandtravelindex.travelweekly.…I recommend simply have a relative or friend look over your pets while you are travelling.|||have someone looks after him while ya away|||Of course Germany has catteries and kennels that take guests as well as other places which take animals for the holidays. German people also have pets and not all of them will bring them while going on holiday. If you have friends who can take care of your pets, ok, but if you fairly new in an area, it is very likely that you will not yet have friends who will do.Ask around in your new town, search the local yellow pages and if nothing helps, talk to a vet, as they often know the places.I am living in the Netherlands, here it is possible to get your pets stay in the building they also use to house stray dogs and cats. Called ;asiel; in Dutch.

Is it possible to watch a live Wallabies Rugby game overseas?

Scenario: Australian woman (rugby fan) married to Filipino guy and planning to move to the Philippines. I know the Philippines has Australia Network but she;s wondering if she can watch a live Wallabies rugby game like the Wallabies taking on the All Blacks or The 2011 World Cup. Philippine TV stations (though they show American, British, local and even some Aussie TV Networks via cable TV which is quite affordable there) I don;t think they;ll show the Rugby World Cup since they don;t normally follow rugby.So anyway, is it possible to watch a live Wallabies Rugby game overseas? If so please tell how.Thanks.

What jobs hire 14 year olds in Honolulu,HI?

Legally, you can;t work.|||painting help, yard work help, pet sitting, etc.|||You could babysit, petsit, stuff that doesn;t involve child labour.|||You;d be amazed at how lucrative babysitting can be. My daughter gets $10/hour & there aren;t any taxes. The trick is getting your foot in the door. But once you have a bit of experience & some references, you can make a lot of money sitting.|||You can work at home bases. That is because it is illegal to let you work.

Whats the difference between merced ca and los angeles in tempurature?

which place is hotter|||I;d say Merced, but parts of the San Fernando Valley can hit temps of 105 + like this weekend|||In the summer, you;re going to see a lot more 100+ days in Merced than L.A., but on any specific day, it could be the other way around. Today, Merced hit 100F but L.A. never got above 90F according to the stats.|||merced is hotter but not by much...LA is such a huge city there are parts by the beach that don;t go above 90degrees F and then there are areas in the Valley that easily reach over 100.|||Merced is hotter than LA especially during summer.

Questions about New Haven, CT !!! Please .. Will return the favor !?

I;m moving to connecticut soon . I;m wondering how is New Haven ?Crime wise ? ***Laws - are they much different than Mass ?Diversity .? && Nite life . Are there any clubs .. young adults dance clubs 18+I;ll appreciate all the information i get

How would an American be treated if he lived in South Africa?

If a white American like me moved to South Africa, how would I bee treated by others? Would the Afrikaaners view me a as a rooinek because I speak English. Would my Dutch ancestory matter? Or would I be nothing but a uitlander?|||You;ll be just another American living in SA. Sorry but there;s nothing special about it.Your ideas about Afrikaners and their attitudes are very outdated - generally speaking they won;t really care who you are or where you come from.|||Generally speaking you would just be another foreigner working and living here - so in the end it is up to you to make friends, build relationships at work, the neighborhood and just make the most of life every day .. learning Afrikaans or any of the other official languages, will be a good start

Can I take this on an airplane?

Purex 3 in 1 Laundry Detergent?|||It would be fine in your checked baggage, but I personally wouldn;t pack laundry detergent (at least not a full-sized jug). The likelihood of leakage would keep me from wanting to pack it. I;m sure where you;re going will have laundry detergent; when I go on vacation and stay in a place with a washing machine I always just buy a small bottle of laundry detergent at a store there.|||whatever liquid you bring on board it cannot be more than 3.4 fluid ounces or 100 ml this is for america (U.S.A)if its more you will be forced to throw it away and trust me its painful to throw something away for example they made my mom throw away her perfume bottle.

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? (In Canada)?

I would like to know the average salary for a Travel Agent in Canada.Thank You!|||Booking online....think about it.|||dont know. it all depends on promotion activities of travel agents. you can earn more by promoting your travel packages here: http://canada.traveldealsfinders.com/

What is the "rich" party of Brooklyn NY?

What neighborhood is considered a "rich" neighborhood in Brooklyn New York?|||Williamsburg is pretty trendy now.|||Park SlopeBrooklyn HeightsBoerum Hill/Cobble Hill Carroll Gardens (sometimes people call all 3 of these neighborhoods BoCoCa)Parts of WillamsburgEDIT: Kris confuses large buildings with "rich". Dyker Heights may have large houses, but it costs much more to buy a small apartment in Brooklyn Heights.The people in the northwestern brownstone neighborhoods have more money to spend on housing then people in the other parts of Brooklyn. That;s why they can afford to spend so much on small apartments.|||Dyker Heights, definitely

Should Seattle, Portland, and Boulder break away from the US and create an eco-topia?

In general, America couldn;t care less about the environment. The majority of the hippies, and go-green eco people live in Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, and Boulder, Colorado. These eco people actually care about the environment, and are doing a great job already with the green movement. According to stats, they are also among the healthiest cities on the continent. (Probably because they ride bikes more, and there is less air pollution). Also, these eco people want to stop depending on foreign countries for oil and other exports, so why don;t they just form their own eco-topia, since the United States isn;t.|||Yes, we definitely should. And build bubbles over the whole thing to keep out the **** when the rest of the "civilized" world finally pollutes itself so badly that it finally collapses in on itself to form great big cess pools of human filth all over the surface of Mother Earth. We;ll have to dig a tunnel to Colorado, I guess.

Im 92f fueler going active from national guard what is best place if i want to be in aviation?

How are the hilo val hala apartments in hilo, hawaii?

im moving to hilo in a month and saw an ad about hilo val hala apts. Also anybody from hilo or previously lived there, what would you recommend as a good living spot

Great places to snorkel in san diego?

Besides La Jolla Cove. :D PLEASE ANSWER!|||Try Catalina Island.It isn;t in San Diego but you;ll sure love it.

Where to go for hiking and beach close to southern california?

My bf and I want to take a mini vacation but we;re not sure where to go? We;re looking to not spend a lot but this would also be our first time hiking so nothing too serious. We have to days free so looking for something adventurous to do.

Line that passes midway between and is parallel to both x - y = 6 and x - y = -6.?

answer is y=xbecause x-y = 6 is actually y=x-6, and x-y = -6 is actually y= x+6 so the midway line will pass through zero and thus y=x or x-y=0

Are there any cheap weekly hotels in north orange count?

I believed there are hotels in north orange count but if you are looking for a cheap one then it is expected that it is not of quality service. The best thing to do is to search it in the internet.

What weird did the slogan "keep austin weird" come up?

I know it was from lady at ACC in the book store or library. But what year did she print the first set of bumper stickers and gave them out?Also where can you buy the "keep 78*** weird" (zipcode based) stickers?

Is it easy for a filipino to learn spanish?

I know 40% of tagalog language are loanwords from spanish,so i guess it is easy for a filipino to learn spanish,and is there spanish training center in philippines,and where?|||I think knowing Tagalog has it;s advantages in learning Spanish thatn an English-only speaker trying to learn Spanish.|||Spanish is actually not that difficult to learn for most English speakers, so if you;re someone who speaks English and Filipino fluently, you;ve got a bit of an advantage. Even more so if you speak a Philippine tongue that uses more Spanish vocabulary than Filipino (i.e. Chavacano and Cebuano). Much of the vocabulary and pronunciation are similar, although Spanish grammar is nothing like Filipino grammar. I;m sure that there are Spanish language schools or courses in the Philippines, but a more specific location might help narrow down your options.|||No language is impossible if you;re willing to practice. Filipino is rich in spanish so many words will be quite similar. In some cases, words are opposite (such as siguro).If you want to be fluent, you will have to work at it. The question is not, "Is it easy". The correct question is, "Are you willing to put forth all the effort you need to master the subject"?|||Yes, it is easier for Filipinos. Inquire at Instituto Cervantes. http://manila.cervantes.es/en/default.sh…Other language schools are in Makati and the Ortigas area, but since they teach other languages as well, Instituto Cervantes is your best bet.|||I just returned from the Philippines on a five country Asia Tour.It;s funny how that nation is They have Spanish names for the streets,cities & most sites yet english for the type of place it is.ie......Angeles City or Espana Avenue.The Filipinos kept the Spanish last names in order to get grants from the Spanish Govt. at the turn of the 19th Century.As most all Filipinos spoke English while I was in the Philippines I feel you shouldn;t have any problems learning the language.I;m not Filipino BTW yet enjoyed my visit there.|||YES it is easy for filipinos to speak spanish. Some places in the middle part of the philippines still uses spanish. my alma mater has s particular subject for spanish and frech languages. i think ateneo and UP does too.|||Some words are the same.Next time you are talking to a Spanish guy ask him if he likes Puto.|||A Filipino should learn Portuguese.|||Yes, it is easy especially if Filipino already knows Cebuano or Chavacano......I can understand some of Tagalog because it has many Spanish words,,,,,,

Is tagapag a prefix in tagalog language?

such as the word tagapaghatid,tagapagbalita,tagapaglathal…so many words are formed as tagapag,so i guess tagapag is a prefix in tagalog language,is it?|||"Tagapag ..." is a Tagalog prefix used to coined to a verb or a noun to make it means ..... one who. For exqmple; tagapag... tangol = a protector (tangol alone means protect)|||Yes, it is. It means "someone who ________ ."|||Annely is right.Tagapag- is a prefix applied after a verb to indicate a person who does something.Tagapag+hatid - someone who relays or sendTagapag+balita - someone who tells newsTagapag+lathala- Someone who publishes

What are some good arabic shows for a small child 2-3?

I;m learning arabic and I would love to find an arabic show for a small child so I can learn easier. I found some sesame street episodes but they were really old and had bad sound quality. I would like any arabic shows aimed at children that teach colors, numbers and letters. That would help me so much. Thank you|||dfadfadsfd|||songs:Everybody Has a Car But My Grandpa Has a Donkey My Boat Is Going My Neighbor Has a CatSleep (Lullaby) The Chicken Song Tic Tic Tic Sleiman;s Mothershows: Arabic Alphabet Show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBzK0p0h4iYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO064pROZZA&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBfpoo2RtOAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9s9vHsWnT0|||thats a very smart ideai like the way u thinkgo to paltalkthere are rooms specially made to teach arabic|||Get nick jr in Arabic|||Muslims love watching these types of shows:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi-c6lbFGC4&feature=fvwI;m not Jewish, but looking at the brainwashing that goes on in the Muslim world, why should Muslims deserve any respect?

Is anyone going to the regional Rainbow Gathering in Washington state this August?

I need a ride to it from Yakima county. I;ve got gas money. I;m revolutionizing my Self, and seeking new perspectives. My plan is to attend my first Gathering and then let the chips fall where they may. I may hitchhike around the west for a little while, but if the opportunity presents itself, I might join a commune or find some kind family to stay with (I;m willing to work for my keep). If you know of somehow or someone that could help, please email me. Peace;n;happiness;n;love--

Im going to california and first time on a plane? ( from texas)?

I am terrified or heights,! How to manage the trip.I am going for two weeks, what should i pack?What are the rules for a carry on bag on the plane?What will the plane ride be like?Im Ammo terrified , what is california like?Give as much info as possible please!<3Btw im going to the rich part lol with the mountains , i think somewheere in san deigo im going with two sisters. We are staying with our cousin.. Help!!OH yeah what do drug dealers look like my dad use to live there and now he is in to hard core drugs, i want to steer away from them!!Okay i sound like an idiot please help!(:|||Relax. You;re accent will go over big. I bet you;ll love the plane ride. The old joke is Cali is full of fruits and nuts. It;s the most populous state in our nation. It;s full of all kinds of people. Meet some.|||Read the book flying for dummies.|||California is an awesome place, you;ll have lots of fun. I wouldn;t be too worried if you;re going to the rich area, you;ll be fine. They are some really nice people there and lots to do. Have fun!|||well y should i help you if u didn;t really help mr answerr myy questionnn!!!!!!!!|||dont be scared of planes...trust me i used to be really scared of planes..always thought they would crash...but a few years ago i had to ride a plane to go to atlanta georgia...just hope you get a spot in the middle or chew lots of gum so your ears wont pop lolas for what to pack..california i here is a hot place..im from tx also and have never been to cali but i assume its hotter than tx...bring shorts..or whatever you feel like taking...and as for the drug dealers..people that are dressed poorly and have a strange look on their face means stay away lol...ive never seen a drug dealer before so im just guessing..

Where is the exact location of ekavenika devi temple at naded...it is one of the astadasa shakthipeethams?

Flying from Chicago to London...?

It;s my first time flying and I was just wondering if you could give me any suggestions or tips about flying on an airplane. It would be so helpful because I am really confused and nervous.|||Make sure your carryon bag and purse is VERY comfortable. Don;t try overpacking it, or it;ll kill your shoulder lugging it around. Also, make sure you have comfortable clothing, perhaps with a light sweater in case you get cool. The flight is about 8 hours, so if you fly overnight, you can sleep part of the night. Make sure you have any medications you need and try drinking water and juices rather than alcohol and sodas, which will make you feel worse. I don;t know if you;re flying into Heathrow or Gatwick, but Heathrow has some of the LONGEST hallways, but thankfully also moving sidewalks to lessen the walking. It is set up pretty well though always packed with people. Try to plan your eating so that you don;t feel the need to buy anything to eat at Heathrow. The prices are outrageous!If you;re flying into Gatwick, after the long flight, you have over an hour drive into the city. While a train is a great option from Heathrow to the city, you should take a bus from Gatwick, unless you plan on renting a car. Renting a car in the UK isn;t hard, but if you aren;t used to the roads, other than the driving on the opposite side, there is also the fact that the lanes are narrower than in the US, and most people in the towns park on the street so many roads have only enough for one car to pass through. That means you or the other driver will have to pull over and wait for the other to pass. Also most rental cars are standard, and you;ll be shifting with your left, not your right hand. If that makes you nervous, stick to the bus. You can get a bus ticket from Gatwick to London for about 20-25 GBP, depending on where you;re headed. Enjoy your trip! I;m so jealous! I lived there for 2 years and would LOVE to go back.

I want travel in Canada !! Help please !?

Hello! I am a 18 year old and my first language is French. I am from Quebec. I want to travel next summer in English Canada to explore this territory and to perform in English. This would be for the summer. I want it to be fairly simple, not too expensive and there are people to welcome me in this new place. So I was wondering if there was an exchange program, study or work that I correspond. I need a place to sleep! So thank you to inform me my friends!|||My husband is from Grandby; he came west in 1970, and never looked for free hand-outs.He worked, learned English, and had a great time!Honey; get on a bus and try your best!You will never regret it.|||you get plenty of travel packages and hotel deals here: http://canada.traveldealsfinders.com/

Would anyone like to take me away on holiday?

I am housetrained,a good companion,know the rules of etiquette (even though I may not always adhere to them) and can chat away to just about anyone about very little; and generally do.|||you didn;t say if you put out or not.|||Yes, let;s have a dirty weekend in Hull.|||If you pay for everything then we;ll get along just fine.

Would it be better to go to Paris, France (for study abroad) in the fall or spring?

weather and holiday-wise (by holiday I mean I want to experience as many French holidays/festivals as possible)? Im either going to go for Fall semester (September- December) or Spring semester (January to May).Thanks|||If you go September to December, you would only have Christmas as a holiday/festival. In France there is no Thanksgiving day, and Halloween, which has been imported from the USA in recent years, is not a festival at all and only a treat for some small kids. Harvest festivals are held locally in some places at the end of the grape picking , but these are purely local and not celebrated in the very large towns like Paris. The first of November is a rather gloomy statutory day off work when you go to put flowers on the graves of the deceased, but is not given to revels of any kind. If you arrrive in January you will have missed the January the first (Nouvel an) celebrations which are usually big, but Paris, for instance, has not had its usual fireworks for the last two years, as a measure of economy. There are celebrations and a festival of flowers during the Carnival season in Nice. People still make pancakes on Pancake day, the day before Lent, but there are no festivals. Likewise some people celebrate the 6th January ( Epiphany) by buying a special cake called ;galette des rois,; and near the Belgian and German frontiers there is a celebration of the 6th December for small kids (St Nicolas). Military parades are held everywhere on the 11th November, and are big in Paris, to commemorate the end of WW1, but they are not exactly "fun". Easter is celebrated over two days, Sunday and Monday.You have to bear in mind that France has a moderate to cold climate at that time of the year. Most festivals take place in the late Spring and during the Summer, the main event being National day on the 14th of July, when people dance in the streets and there are awesome fireworks everywhere. Weather wise the Fall semester is kinder at least till the end of October. Spring semester till Easter is cold and wet and May is precisely the time when things start to warm up. April in Paris is pretty as flowers start to bloom , but it is still cold and showery.Here is the list of public holidays in France: January 1 New Years Day April 5 Easter Monday May 1 Labour Day May 8 V-E Day May 13 Ascension Day May 24 Whitmonday July 14 Bastille Day August 15 Assumption Day November 1 All Saints Day November 11 Armistice Day December 25 Christmas Day|||I would say Fall semester, that;s when everybody comes back from holiday and groups are being made. By Spring you arrive in already settled classes and it is more difficult to make friends. As for holidays, we don;t do celebrations like you do. Our real ones are Christmas and 14th July.

Moving to the U.K. from the U.S.?

I know I need a Visa to go there and I was wondering what the requirements for a Visa are? What will expenses be? Where are the cheapest places to live? What is the cost of living? How long will it take for me to be an official citizen? And anything else that I forgot. If anyone has been through this experience before let me know the pros and cons. Any help will be greatly appreciated.|||You have a few options for a visa1 - student visa. You have to first be accepted at a British university and show you have enough money to cover your fees and all other living expenses2 - Tier 1 visa requires a Masters or PhD, high salary and evidence of savings3 - Tier 2 Intercompany Transfer visa where your current employer transfers you to their UK office4 - Tier 2 Sponsored visa where you possess special skills that no EU citizen has. A company has to prove the position was advertised for a minimum of 4 weeks and not 1 qualified EU citizen could be found. This is almost impossible unless you are a scientist, engineer or medical professionalExpenses vary from £270 - 690 depending which visa category you fall under. The cheapest places to live are where there are no jobs. Cost of living in general is about 30-40% higher than the US. With the rule change next year, it will take 10 years of continuous legal living in the UK to become a citizen. Years spent as a student do not count towards this residency requirement