
Im going to california and first time on a plane? ( from texas)?

I am terrified or heights,! How to manage the trip.I am going for two weeks, what should i pack?What are the rules for a carry on bag on the plane?What will the plane ride be like?Im Ammo terrified , what is california like?Give as much info as possible please!<3Btw im going to the rich part lol with the mountains , i think somewheere in san deigo im going with two sisters. We are staying with our cousin.. Help!!OH yeah what do drug dealers look like my dad use to live there and now he is in to hard core drugs, i want to steer away from them!!Okay i sound like an idiot please help!(:|||Relax. You;re accent will go over big. I bet you;ll love the plane ride. The old joke is Cali is full of fruits and nuts. It;s the most populous state in our nation. It;s full of all kinds of people. Meet some.|||Read the book flying for dummies.|||California is an awesome place, you;ll have lots of fun. I wouldn;t be too worried if you;re going to the rich area, you;ll be fine. They are some really nice people there and lots to do. Have fun!|||well y should i help you if u didn;t really help mr answerr myy questionnn!!!!!!!!|||dont be scared of planes...trust me i used to be really scared of planes..always thought they would crash...but a few years ago i had to ride a plane to go to atlanta georgia...just hope you get a spot in the middle or chew lots of gum so your ears wont pop lolas for what to pack..california i here is a hot place..im from tx also and have never been to cali but i assume its hotter than tx...bring shorts..or whatever you feel like taking...and as for the drug dealers..people that are dressed poorly and have a strange look on their face means stay away lol...ive never seen a drug dealer before so im just guessing..

